Spot The Difference

Spots. They're there through your teenage years and then, for some, carry on popping up every so often in our adult years. Whether they're caused by hormones or diet - they're a right pain! Granted, they may not phase some people, but for most, they can make you very self-conscious. Always remember though, that everyone gets spots at some point and they are not the worst thing in the world. Statistics actually show that when we look in the mirror, we imagine ourselves to look 20% worse than we actually do (or, you know, don't have mirrors).

Over the past six months, we've been trying to find a remedy that gets rid of them. From spot creams and washes to herbal remedies - nothing seemed to be making much difference...
However, whilst in Superdrug one day, we bought a tub of Sudocrem (think it's about £2.55 for the big tub, which should last you about a year to be honest! It's cheaper than all the other spot creams). The cream is notorious for treating nappy rash, but it's also for eczema, sunburn, acne etc., so it is great for spots. It's classified as an 'antiseptic healing cream' and it has lavender in it (really good for clearing up spots).

So if anyone is struggling, definitely look into Sudocrem, alongside drinking lots of water/antioxidant herbal teas and generally eating a healthy, balanced diet. As long as you're wearing suntan cream, vitamin D in small amounts can do wonders for your skin.

If this doesn't work for you, here's a few other things you might like to try:

  • Toothpaste 
  • Antihistamine/Steroid cream (you can actually get these from places like Home Bargains) 
  • An ice pack (takes down the swelling!) 
  • Pharmacy creams 
  • Lavender gel
  • Tea tree oil
  • Mashed-up banana 
  • Aftershave/Perfume (prepare for the sting, like on Home Alone and hold back those naughty words!!!) 
  • Drop of TCP (read instructions first!!) or some salt in your bath 
  • Combined-pill (see a GP; it should balance your hormone levels and therefore reduce the amount of spots) 
Also, there's a lot of controversy over wearing make-up. Some say it clogs your pores, but to be honest a dermatologist told us that so long as you apply it correctly and wash it off properly (you can't beat Simple soap and water) it is usually not a problem. Truthfully, girls typically have it easier in this area; we can hide a blemish with a touch of concealer or foundation. Boys could do this, but the majority don't. Remember that spots are just as common with boys and girls, and most celebrities too. (Lorde posted this photo with her acne cream on; web article here about some celebs you wouldn't expect or even guess suffered with their skin.)  

We hope our suggested remedies work for you if you're struggling with spots too. Always remember it is not the end of the world and though it may feel like a volcano to you, others who really care about you probably wouldn't even notice it. *Inserts cliche comment* Beauty comes from within!!!! 

Let us know if any of you spot the difference (get it????) after using any of the suggestions. 

Laura and Amy x 

(Disclosure: we are definitely not skin experts; this is just what works for us!) 


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Laura (20) & Amy (17) Ware from England. Sisters, bloggers, authors and passionate about making YouTube videos.
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